Within days of downing the 'Chinese spy balloon', the USAF has shot down 3 more 'unidentified objects' and the Pentagon refuses to rule out extra-terrestrials. Is this the start of the fake alien invasion Wernher von Braun warned us about?
Today, I’m going to depart from my usual themes of AI, crypto, and gaming, to touch on something that may be of urgent importance to the entire world. We may be about to witness the biggest false flag operation of all time - in the guise of a fake alien invasion. Seriously. Before you laugh and move on, you’ll probably want to check today’s news. Mainstream media, for example, Sky News and the Daily Mail, both report that a 3rd ‘unidentified object’ has been shot down over North America. This is in addition to the ‘Chinese spy balloon’ that was shot down off the North Carolina coast just over a week ago. Now, I believe context and timing can tell us a lot here. Yes, coincidences happen, but at a certain point, you must entertain the idea that things are indeed connected. So, by the time there’s a fourth incident, we should be paying attention. We are at that point.
The ‘Chinese spy balloon’
First up, according to officials, the ‘spy balloon’ was materially different from the latest three objects. The 'spy balloon' was flying above 60,000 ft. It was described as being the size of four buses and had a large ‘payload’. We know this to be true because people on the ground photographed it using telephoto lenses. We also know that, despite officials saying they had first detected it over the Aleutian Islands, the first the public knew about it was when it was over Montana. Basically, they only told us after it had already been spotted by members of the public. Basically, they were rumbled and had to tell us.
Secondly, the US refused to shoot the ‘spy balloon’ down until it was over open water. Apparently, this was to prevent people from getting injured on the ground. But, the chances of that happening, given the wide open spaces of states it flew over, are low. I would suggest it is more likely US authorities didn’t want the public seeing what the ‘payload’ was. More on that in a moment.
Thirdly, the Chinese, while eventually claiming the balloon was indeed theirs, acted distinctly strange. After all, if it really was one of their spy balloons, it put the Chinese authorities in an uncomfortable place. One, it garnered widespread ridicule from the western public, who collectively laughed at the concept of ‘spy balloons’ in the 21st century (I am not saying spy balloons don’t exist, but they are hardly something that seems impressive to most), and it also risked sparking a major diplomatic and security incident.
The ‘unidentified objects’
Anyway, the ‘Chinese spy balloon’ needs to be taken in context with the latest incidents. You see, just days after the high-altitude balloon was shot down, things got even weirder. Between writing this on Monday morning and last Friday, at least three more objects have been shot out of the sky over North America. On Friday, a USAF F-22 Raptor fighter jet shot down an ‘unidentified object’ off the Alaskan coast, on Saturday, another Raptor shot down one over Yukon in northwest Canada, and yesterday, an F-16 shot down one over Lake Huron.
But, here’s the most interesting and telling bit. In the last three incidents, the objects have been described as being much lower in altitude - about 20,000 - 30,000 ft - much smaller, and ‘cylindrical’ and ‘hexagonal’ in shape. These clearly make them different from the original ‘Chinese spy ballon’ - which was much bigger, much higher, and had a large payload suspended from it.
Furthermore, because these objects were much lower, and shot down, according to the Pentagon, with short-range Sidewinder missiles, we can be fairly certain the fighter pilots were close enough for visual identification. This is odd, because, US Air Force general Glen VanHerck, told reporters that the objects were not the same as the ‘Chinese spy balloon’, and went on to say “We’re calling them objects, not balloons, for a reason,” while also refusing to rule out the possibility that they may be extra-terrestrial in origin. In more normal times, this alone would have been the top story for every news outlet on the planet, but we’re in far from normal times.
So, are we to believe that highly-trained fighter pilots, flying the world’s most advanced fighter aircraft, and supported by the most sophisticated air defense network (NORAD), can’t identify these objects? That, in itself, is more than a little suspicious.
Red flags everywhere
Think about this. The authorities had to admit the ‘Chinese spy balloon’ was real because people on the ground in Montana saw it and took pictures. This was due to luck. Someone happened to be looking at the right part of the sky at the right time, weather and atmospheric conditions were suitable, and that particular office worker immediately went home and grabbed the equipment to take pictures of it. Once that had happened, everyone and their dog was looking for it, and local media was all over the story. The government had to go through the motions then. But, the balloon could so easily have never been noticed.
Next, as previously stated, we had a slew of excuses as to why the most advanced air force in the world couldn’t shoot down the balloon - until it was over open water, at which point it became easy. Hmmm… Additionally, we have the fact that the latest three shoot-downs have been in quick succession, and followed just days after the ‘spy balloon’ incident. So, we go through the entire Cold War and decades more, and never hear about this kind of thing, then suddenly, in one week, we get all this? Coincidence indeed. Plus, remember that, as previously described, these latest objects were much smaller and lower than the initial ‘spy balloon’.
Finally, we have perhaps the most telling thing of all - how the US (and Canadian) authorities have handled the last three incidents. Specifically, how they have publically handled them. All three were shot down over remote locations, where nobody would have seen them. In fact, all three shootdowns could very likely have taken place without the public ever knowing - had the authorities wanted that. So, why would the US and Canadian authorities want the public to know about these incidents? What good can it possibly do? Furthermore, the official statements about these incidents specifically emphasize the ‘unidentified’ nature of the objects, and officials have refused to rule out extra-terrestrial involvement.
It’s almost as if the authorities want people to fear that the objects are alien-controlled UFOs.
Wernher von Braun, Cold War theatrics, and the fake alien threat
As I was reading reports of the UFO shootdowns, I couldn’t help recalling a warning, purportedly made by famous German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, shortly before he died. Braun, widely known as the ‘father of space travel’, initially worked for the Nazi German regime, but at the war’s end surrendered to the western Allies. He was soon in the United States working on the American missile and space program. Eventually, Braun worked for NASA and was instrumental in developing the manned space program. Basically, if anyone was privy to space-related knowledge, it was going to be him.
In 1972, after leaving NASA, von Braun became Vice President for Engineering and Development at Fairchild Industries - a major aerospace and defense company based in Maryland, USA. Just one year later he was diagnosed with cancer, which eventually led to his death in 1977. It was during those final years that he supposedly gave a very ominous warning, many times.
According to Dr. Carol Rosin, who worked as an aerospace executive at Fairchild Industries, and served as the spokesperson for von Braun, the German scientist repeatedly warned that our history was a lie, and ultimately, we would be subject to a fake alien invasion. According to Rosin, von Braun explained that the Cold War was theater and that neither Russia nor China were really the west’s enemies, and that later a terrorist threat would be portrayed - all as cover to keep vast quantities of money and resources flowing into the military-industrial complex. Most concerning was the last part of his warning, which said that the final threat would be painted as extra-terrestrial.
It’s the fear. Was the pandemic just the opening scene?
Now, fast forward to today. We have just witnessed how easy it is to manipulate entire well-educated populations through fear. We’ve seen how a virus with extremely suspicious origins, raced around the world, seemingly to a preset schedule, accompanied by orchestrated theatrics apparently designed to whip up mass hysteria. Despite the actual virus being relatively mild in most cases, governments did everything they could to strike fear into people and went as far as torpedoing their own economies and enforcing unprecedented lockdowns. Such was the fear induced, that most people willingly got injected with experimental, untested MRNA vaccines that are now, according to the peer-reviewed papers that are piling up by the day, neither ‘safe’ nor ‘effective.’
Of course, as anyone who’s been paying attention over the past few years will appreciate, there is a multitude of suspicious things about the entire COVID pandemic, so I won’t go into them here. And, let’s also keep in mind, the fact that, since the roll-out of the vaccines, the heavily vaccinated world is seeing an alarming, and accelerating increase in excess deaths. Again, I won’t go into the details here, but if you’ve had your head in the sand for the past twelve months and are unaware of the scale of the crisis, I’d recommend you check out Dr. John Campbell’s YouTube channel. The point is that, if the powers that be can induce that much fear from something like COVID, which was categorically not a serious threat to the vast majority of people, how would the global populace react to an apparent alien invasion?
Consider how the masses would react if they merely perceived there to be an alien threat. Imagine how much the major governments could get away with if people believed extra-terrestrial craft were threatening major cities. Surely, if the elites can lock us all down and tell us we can’t even visit family, for a mild cold virus - and most people comply - then people would do anything if they believed they were about to experience the War of the Worlds.
And, how hard would it be for the powers that be to pull this off? What would they really need to do? Well, I’d suggest they could deploy a network of large, ultra-high altitude balloons, carrying payloads of smaller objects. These large balloons could waft around, high above the commercial flight paths, undetected (unless weather and atmospheric conditions were just right, and someone happened to be looking at the right place at the right time and then managed to go home and get a telephoto lens trained on it… but, what are the chances?). Then, as needed, these large balloons could deploy smaller objects - whether balloons or drones or whatever. They would serve as radar targets and give the air force something to shoot down. Of course, these would be shot down well out of view, over remote areas.
One thing I can say for sure is this. I’m forty years old, and I’ve been avidly reading and watching everything I can find about UFOs, the military, and space since I was about five. I absolutely believe there are aliens out there, and I strongly suspect they have visited Earth. I’m also not naive and suspect at least some of them may not be friendly. But, I think it's highly unlikely that, after consistently demonstrating the ability to perform bone-crushing maneuvers and acceleration, neutralize our weapons systems at will, and even just disappear, aliens have suddenly decided to start sitting there and letting themselves get shot down by our fighters!
Why is the US government, which has spent decades trying to suppress UFO reports, now actively baiting the press about extra-terrestrials? Why are we getting these shoot-downs just days after the first publicly acknowledged ‘spy balloon’ was shot down? Why were the authorities determined not to chance anyone seeing the wreckage? Why is this all happening now? Maybe I’m just paranoid, or a complete raving loony. Or, maybe the past few years have made me realize that nothing the governments say can be taken at face value, the mainstream media is entirely controlled, and there are much bigger things going on behind the scenes than most of us can even imagine.
So, if over the coming weeks and months we see more of these reports. If we start hearing of an imminent ‘threat’ of alien invasion, perhaps we should take a step back and look at the big picture, remember von Braun’s warning, and ask ourselves ‘why now?’